Year 2000 Product Research

Below is an actual list of hardware and software we investigated for our clients to meet Year 2000 compliancy.

This is not a list of Year 2000 supported products nor is it any indication that any specific product does or does not meet year 2000 compliancy.  It is just a list of products we did year 2000 research on as of the date specified.

Y2K Products Researched
Year 2000 Solution Index
Ascend Pipeline 50/75/130/220
Clone Computers - All
Compaq Deskpro 2000
Compaq Presario 1215
Compaq Presario 1220 Series 2940a
Compaq Presario 1240 Series CM2000 (203/205)
Compaq Presario 4402
Compaq Presario 4528
Compaq Presario 4814
Compaq Presario 9642
Compaq ProLinea 5120e
Compaq Presario 5190
Compaq Prosignia 720
Dell OmniPlex Series
Dell OptiPlex GX Series
Dell OptiPlex XL Series
Dell PowerEdge 1300
Dell PowerEdge 2300
Dell PowerEdge 5100-2
HP Vectra 500
IBM Aptiva 80M
Adobe Acrobat Reader 2.1
Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.01
Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.02
Adobe PageMaker 6.5
Adobe PageMill 2.0
Adobe Photo Deluxe 1.0
Adobe Photo Deluxe 2.0
Adobe PhotoShop 4.0
Anixter Online Solutions v3
AOL 3.0
AOL 4.0
AOL Instant Messenger
APC PowerChute Plus for NetWare 4.3
APC PowerChute Pro NT 1.1.0
Arcada BackupExec 6.1 r060
ArcServe NT 6.5 b620
Artisoft InSync ModemShare 7.0 ArtiSoft, Inc. 3-8-96
Avery Wizard 1.0
Bank United ACS for Windows Workstaton
Bank United Banker for Windows
Bible Library 3.0
Body Works 5.0
Broderbund Clickart Christian Graphics Collection
Calendar Creator 4.0
Calendar Creator 5
Calendar Creator Plus
Calendar Creator Plus 1.0
Cheyenne AV95 4.00 3.26 3.26 b228
Cheyenne Backup Agent 3.10 b353
Cheyenne Innoculan NT 4.00
Church Musician 2.5
Claris Works 4.0 v1h
Colordesk Photo
Colordesk Photo 2.05
Compaq Carbon Copy 32
Corel Office 7
Corel Office Suite 5
Corel Perfect Suite 8
Corel Photo Paint 5.00 F4
Cybermedia First Aid 97
Cybermedia Oil Change
Day Timer Organizer 2.0 v3.95
Delrina Winfax Lite
Delrina WinFax Pro 7.5
DHL Connect
Ditto Tools 5.2.1
Dr Solomon's Anti Virus
Dr Solomon's Anti Virus 7.70
Dr Solomon's Anti Virus 7.82
EMS Lite 3
EMS Lite 3.0 trial
EMS Professionsl 98 trial
Envoy Viewer
Eudora Light 3.0.6 1997
FedEx Ship 2.0 Network
FedEx Ship 2.1
Grammatik 5 for Windows 1.0
Home Design v1.1
HP JetAdmin 2.5
Hymn Search 1.5
IBM AntiVirus DOS 2.4.1
Imspace Kudo Catalog Reader 3.0
InfoSeek Express
Iomega ZIP tools for Windows 95 5.1
Java Runtine Environment 1.1
Jfax Communication
Jfax Communicator 4.2
Jfax Mail
Kirk Bride Treasure Study bible
Laplink Win95 7.0
Live Picture Viewer Plug-In
LivePix 1.1 se
Lotus 123 R5
Lotus Notes 4.5
Maxis SimCity 2000 Network Edition
McAfee Office
McAfee VirusScan 4.0.1
McAfee VirusScan 95 2.2.11 (2.01.218)
McAfee VirusScan 95 3.2.0
McAfee VirusScan 95 4.02
McAfee VirusScan for 95 3.12
McAfee WebScanX 3.1.6
Metafile Companion 1.10
Microsoft Active Movie
Microsoft Bookshelf 95
Microsoft Bookshelf 98
Microsoft Chat 2.0
Microsoft Encarta 96
Microsoft Encarta 98
Microsoft Frontpage Express
Microsoft Intelliport 1.10
Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.0
Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01
Microsoft Internet Information Server 3.0
Microsoft Internet Mail&News 1.0
Microsoft Media Player 6.1
Microsoft Money 5.0
Microsoft Music Control
Microsoft Netmeeting
Microsoft Netshow Player 2.0
Microsoft Office 95
Microsoft Office 97
Microsoft Outlook 98
Microsoft Outlook Express 4.71.1712.1
Microsoft Plus 95
Microsoft Proxy Client 2.0
Microsoft Publisher 2.0
Microsoft Publisher 97
Microsoft Schedule 95 7.0
Microsoft VM for Java
Microsoft Wallet
Microsoft Web Publishing Wizard 1.51
Microsoft Windows 95 Service Pack 1
Microsoft Windows 950a
Microsoft Windows 950b
Microsoft Windows 950B
Microsoft Windows 98
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Server SP3
Microsoft Works 3.0
Microsoft Works 4.0
Microsoft Works 4.5
Microtek ScanSuite 1.11
Microtek ScanWizard for Win 2.49
MindStorm Robotics Invention System
Miribals ICQ
Mornet+ Desktop Home Counselor 2.12
Moto Racer
MSNBC News Alert
Netscape Communicator 4.08
Netscape Mail Server
Netscape Navigator 3.0 - 96223
Netscape Personal Edition 2.0
Netscape Proxy Server 2.5
Norton Anti Virus 2.0
Novell Clients
Novell NetWare 4.11 Small Business Edition
Novell NetWare SPACK 6.00
Novell Perfect Works 2.1
Omni Page Pro 8.0
Optus Software FacSys 4.10
Optus Software FacSys Client 4.10
OSKA DeskMate
Parson's Announcements 5.0
Parson's Special Effects 2.0
Parson's Technology Family Lawyer 99
Parson's Technology Ministry Notebook
Parson's Technology Quick Verse 5.0
PCAnyWhere32 8.0
People Link
Picture Easy 2.0
PictureMall PictureFun
Planning Youth Ministry
Power Album
Power Album 3.05
Print A Form Plus 8.0w
Print Master Gold 4.00
Printshop Deluxe III 4.3
Printshop Press Writer
Pure Voice 1.0
QuickBooks 5.0
Quickbooks 99
QuickBooks Pro 6.0
QuickBooks Pro 99
Quicken Basic 98
Quicken Family Lawyer 99 v9.0
Quicken Home & Office 99
Quicken SE
Quicken SE 5.0
QuickTime 3.0
QuickTime for Windows 16 bit
QuickTime for Windows 32bit
QuickTime for Windows 32bit
Rand McNally Tripmaker 96 SE
Realplayer 4.0
RealPlayer 5
RealPlayer GS
Replica Backup (HP SureStor Edition) 1997
Sermon Organizer 5.2
Sidekick 95
Sierra Print Artist 4.02
Sierra Utilities
SiteTrak 98
SoftArc First Class Client 3.5 for Win
Song Select 2.02
Song Select 2.1
StellarView for Windows 3.03
Swift Desktop Publisher
SyBase Paradigm97
SyBase SQL Anywhere Network Server 5.5.02 b1495
Symantec Act for Windows v2.0
The Palace 7.5
The Print Shop 6.0
The Print Shop Deluxe 6.0
Ulead PhotoImpact 4.0
Visio home SE
WinZip 6.2
WinZip 6.3
WordPerfect 6.1
Youth Assistant 3.0
Youth Assistant 4.11 (Win 3.95, Dos 7.10)

If your product is in this list, then we already have the answer.  This list is continuously growing.  If your product is not in this list, we may have already completed research.  Contact us for more information.